Pre-Production Samples and Their Importance in Die Cut Products
Almost all products that are being sold today are being packaged in a customised container to ensure that they are protected from being damaged while they are being transported or displayed in stores. Aside from preventing any damages, packaging materials enable the promotion of products and instill purchase decisions of consumers. The intricate shapes and features of packaging materials can also differentiate a specific product from others.
The process used in making custom packaging materials is known as die cutting. This process is also done to produce stationeries, scrapbook stickers, designed cardboards, and other materials that have unique shapes. All these materials are produced to be sold in public. Therefore, their appearance must not have any defect or imperfection. Both these irregularities can be prevented if the manufacturer will release and send pre-production samples first before the products enter mass production.
Importance of Pre-Production Samples
Pre-production samples are intended to give a company an idea of how the products or packaging materials will look like once they are produced in huge quantities and ultimately go on sale. If the pre-production samples of the materials do not reach the expectations of the company, then another set of these samples will be made so that they will be presented again after a certain amount of time.
Even if a company already gives its preferred design, technical specifications, and material, pre-production samples can still possess some qualities that do not quite get the expectations set by the given requirements. For packaging materials, there might be some areas that are not cut right. The creases or folds of some portions of cartons or cardboards may not be aligned perfectly. All these problems and possible issues are openly determined through the release of pre-production samples.
The presence of pre-production samples can save a significant amount of time, money, materials, labour force, and other resources that can be wasted if a product enters full production without identifying its irregularities and issues.
The Overall Process of Die Cutting
Part of releasing pre-production samples is the process of die cutting. It involves the use of a machine that will cut materials with definite shapes, styles, and dimensions. These customisations will come from a die, which is a metal-shaped object that has a sharp area for cutting purposes. The need to manually cut materials with scissors, stencils, and other cutting tools is diminished by the process of die cutting.
In the die cutting process, a die is placed on top of the material or workpiece that is already situated inside the die cutting machine. Once everything is aligned, a lever will be pushed down to press the die into the workpiece. Depending on the machine available, a manufacturer can mass-produce materials in just one go through the process of die cutting.
The materials that can be processed by die cutting include paper, chipboard, fabric, and other materials. Most of the time, die-cutting is utilised in producing packaging materials, cartons, stationeries, scrapbook stickers, designed cardboards, and other similar products. The die-cutting process allows the manufacturers to produce pre-production samples, present them to a company, and wait for the final approval before entering full production.
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