Material Considerations in Die Cutting
Die cutting is a fabrication process that converts stock material into custom shapes and designs. This specific conversion is carried out by special machines and tools that can cut, form, and shear different materials such as paper, fabric, plastic, foam, wood, and others. Many industries such as manufacturing and packaging maximise the effectiveness of die cutting in making their needed products.
Nowadays, die cutting can take numerous forms and processes, which all depend on the required output of a specific plant or facility. These die cutting variations can work on distinct requirements and specifications and can only be effective for specific applications and materials.
The type of die cutting that will be used, as well as the right machine configuration and die design, would hugely depend on the subject material. And so, to help you with your die cutting application, here are some of the most popular die cutting forms and materials that they can work on.
Flatbed Die Cutting
Flatbed die cutting, which is also known as steel rule die cutting, is a fabrication process that utilises a flatbed die cutting press and custom steel rule die in converting a stock material into various shapes and designs. This specific process can work on thick and large parts and materials. It can likewise cut materials that have soft and thin features in both sheet and roll form. Since this type of die cutting can work on these materials, it makes them somehow flexible and versatile. The recommended application of flatbed die cutting is when you require to complete small orders or short production requirements.
Rotary Die Cutting
Rotary die cutting is another type of die cutting process that can be used for various applications. It maximises cylindrical dies, which are typically affixed to a rotary press that allows them to precisely convert flexible materials like web materials. This type of die cutting process works closely the same as flatbed die cutting. Its die design, die type, and cutting pressure would all depend on the type of material that will be cut and processed. Rotary die cutting is advised to be used whenever you want to produce a high volume of products without compromising precision and accuracy.
Digital Die Cutting
Both flatbed and rotary die cutting processes utilise dies in cutting stock materials. Digital die cutting, on the other hand, can easily convert different materials without using any dies. Digital die cutting instead uses some special types of lasers, blades, and tool bits in producing cuts and creases on stock materials. Some types of materials that can maximise the capabilities of digital die cutting are textiles, papers, and plastics. This type of die cutting can be beneficial for applications that require fast lead times and high precision without spending too much money.
Knowing these die cutting processes and their compatible materials can help you choose one that works best with your intended applications and available budget. For more information about die cutting processes, just give us a call at Triforme. We specialise in the manufacture of flatbed steel rule cutting formes, flatbed label dies, die cutting supplies for printing and scrapbook industries.
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